In this day and age almost every single home and person has a computer that they use on a daily basis to carry out general duties. If you don’t have a computer or if you require a new one that you can use at home then you can pick up cheap computers from a variety of different places. PC repair stores and online websites and marketplaces stock cheap computers that would be ideally suited for you. Just because they are given the title cheap computers doesn’t mean that they are in fact cheap, budget systems. You can actually pick up decent spec cheap computers that will cost you no more than £200.
If you have a valid and legal operating system and you know how to install operating systems on computers, then you may be lucky enough to find cheap computers that have no operating system installed. Cheap computers which come in this manner may be even cheaper than you thought so it’s worth considering if you have the knowledge of installing operating systems on cheap computers. You may even use the components from these computers and use them for higher spec systems that you may have which could save you a lot of money.
If you don’t have an operating system that you can install and you don’t know how to go about doing it, then you should never buy cheap computers with no operating system as you could be paying just as much for the operating system to be installed as you would for the cheap computers. The recent versions of Microsoft Windows 7 can cost up to £200 so the cheap computers that you thought was a bargain, wasn’t such a bargain after all.
Cheap computers come in a variety of different shapes, colours and designs. You can buy cheap desktop computers and cheap laptops which would be ideal for the home. You may also find cheap computers which have been refurbished and the price for these cheap computers may be even less than you think.
Cheap computers also come in different makes and models. Some of the common names that you should look out for when buying cheap computers are Dell, Acer, Asus and HP. With these particular models of cheap computers, you are almost always guaranteed a quality and decent spec system, but don’t be fooled so easily. It may be worth asking some questions about the cheap computers that you want to buy before making any decisions.